Wednesday, September 18, 2024

European Hotel Laundry Rooms

Travelling is one of my favorite things to do.
Domestically. Internationally. Air, Sea, Land trips are all aces in my book.
Professional curiosity follows me where I go and I can't resist looking in the guest and staff laundry rooms at the places I stay.
This year I've travelled to France, Belgium, and Germany.
I stayed at several different hotels and vacation houses on these trips.
At the houses none of them had laundry facilities.
The hotels were all similar setups, albeit with slightly different equipment. 

I was surprised to not find any large chassis equipment at the hotels I stayed at.
The staff laundry rooms had 2-4 small chassis washer/dryer combo units.
These were mostly used to wash towels and wash cloths.
Bedding and larger items were sent out to laundry service companies.

All of the laundry rooms I saw had automatic chemical dispensers. 

All of the washers were pump drains with small diameter drain pipes and hoses.

None of the dryers I saw were gas. All were electric heat.

There were no exhaust ducts leading to the outside. All of the dryers had a felt type screen on the back to catch lint. The rooms were not filled with lint so the screens did their job, however the machines were very warm to the touch especially the back.

People don't clean behind the dryers in Europe either.
Nice to know people are the same the world over!

None of the washers or dryers were on pedestals to lift them off the floor for easier access.
Most didn't have any "commercial" branding on them that was obvious to see to differentiate them from their more rugged built counterparts like you have here in the USA.

I'm sure that there are a vast number of different set ups all over. What I saw was not the only way to do laundry. There are also economic, geopolitical, and environmental reasons for the way these places were set up that we can go into long conversations about.
These were the common things I found in the hotels. Interesting.
A Heck of A Nice Guy

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I Don't Want to Forget 9/11: The Images

Above image by Bill Biggart Bill Biggart's Final Pictures -9/11/2001 
other images from New York Magazine online.

It's the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
We’re naturally hearing more and more about that day.
In the time since 2001, not counting watching documentaries about 9/11,
think about how often you’ve seen photos of the planes hitting the towers on the TV news, in magazines, or in the paper.
For all the arguments about
-the wars we're involved in 
-the leaders who got us involved 
-the soldiers and civilians who have died
-the financial cost
How many times in these stories have you seen the pictures of the planes hitting the towers, an open field, or the Pentagon?

My guess is not very often.

I've heard media people say on different shows that the reason we don't see the footage very often anymore is because it is either:
a. too terrible
b. we would become desensitized to it from seeing it so often.

23 years later I'll never forget the images of that day.
I've seen the planes hit the towers and Pentagon on many occasions and they still shock me.

I'll never forget the montage of photos of people jumping off the buildings.

Firefighter Mike Kehoe climbing up the stairs while everyone is going down.
He would survive that day.

Father Mychal Judge, NYFD chaplain and spiritual leader would not.

Running crowds with debris gaining on them.

There are thousands of others. Each one tells a story.
Whether the media believes we should see the images or not, I'll never forget.

Thanks to all the men and women who were heroes on that day and on the days ever since.
A Heck of A Nice Guy

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Used Equipment for Sale (9-5-24)

There is some used equipment at the Milwaukee warehouse that is for sale. Some is being sold by WASH and others are being sold by store owners. Please read carefully which is what and contact me for questions. All are available for viewing by appointment.

WASCOMAT 77lb Washers
3 available
$5,000 each or best offer
sold by private owner
sold AS-IS no warranty
Produced October 2015
Installed November 2015
Removed March 2024
Location WASH Warehouse

These three 77lb washers were installed new at a WASH owned laundromat and were serviced by WASH techs until the store was sold and they were removed. All three were working when they were removed and have been inside the WASH warehouse since.
These are being sold by the current owner.
35.75 inches wide they will fit through a lot of standard doors!
57 inches tall
42 inches deep 
WASH will deliver machines to your location for $199 each or less depending on distance
You are responsible for installing!
Contact me with your offer and I will pass it onto the owner.

Maytag 40lb MFR Washers
2 available + 1 parts washer
$2,000 each or best offer
If you buy both parts washer is included for FREE
sold by EVERET (ME)
sold AS-IS no warranty
Produced May 2013
Installed August 2013
Removed December 2023 & June 2024
Location one at WASH Warehouse and two at storage facility 

These three 40lb washers were installed new at my laundromat and were serviced by WASH techs until  they were removed. All three were working when they were removed.
33.75 inches wide
52.5 inches tall
32 inches deep 
WASH will deliver machines to your location for $199 each or less depending on distance
You are responsible for installing!

See interview with me below for more information:
=Are they working? 
2 are working just fine and one has a bearing issue but still runs
=Aren't 40lb MFRs the ones that have bearing issues on a regular basis?
Yes. Of all the Maytag models these are prone to bearing issues
=If I buy these how do I know they won't have  a bearing issue?
There is no guarantee. At time of removal the two were running nice and smooth.
I'm confident they will run long enough that at the very minimum you will get your money back and probably more
=If they are fine why did you replace them?
I only have space for 4 large washers. I had one 60lb and three 40lb so I replaced all the 40lb with 60lb washers
=Does the third washer work?
It runs but it does have a bearing issue so I would just use it for all of the parts like board, door, lock, etc.
=If they are so good why don't you keep them?
I don't have a place for them as the store is small and I don't want them to go through another winter in storage
=Why is one at the warehouse and the others are at a storage facility
A hotel owner was buying one and it was set to be delivered when the hotel closed so the delivery truck left it at the warehouse

Maytag 30lb MXR Washers
3 available
$2,000 each
sold by WASH
sold AS-IS no warranty
Produced 2015
Installed January 2016
Removed May 2023
Location WASH Warehouse

These three 30b washers were installed new at a WASH owned laundromat and were serviced by WASH techs until the store was sold and they were removed. All three were working when they were removed and have been inside the WASH warehouse since.
These are being sold by WASH
29.5 inches wide they will fit through a lot of standard doors!
48 inches tall
32 inches deep 
WASH will deliver machines to your location for $199 each or less depending on travel distance
WASH will install for $500 each plus any other materials
Consult with me for exact charge

Maytag 80lb MFR Washers
3 available
$5,000 each
sold by WASH
sold AS-IS no warranty
Produced 10/2005
Installed new
Removed October 2023
Location WASH Warehouse

These three 80b washers were installed new at a WASH owned laundromat and were serviced by WASH techs until the store was sold and they were removed. All three were working when they were removed and have been inside the WASH warehouse since.
These are being sold by WASH and will be looked over by a WASH tech prior to sale
43.25 inches wide
57 inches tall
41 inches deep 
WASH will deliver machines to your location for $199 each or less depending on travel distance
WASH will install for $500 each plus any other materials
Consult with me for exact charge

 ADC ADG758V Dryers
4 available
$2,000 each
sold by private owner
sold AS-IS no warranty
Produced ?
Installed new around 2014?
Removed March 2024
Location WASH Warehouse

These four 75lb dryers were installed new at a WASH owned laundromat and were serviced by WASH techs until the store was sold and they were removed. All four were working when they were removed and have been inside the WASH warehouse since.
These are being sold by a private owner. Please send me your offer and I will pass it onto the owner.
38.25 inches wide
75 inches tall
47 inches deep 
WASH will deliver machines to your location for $199 each or less depending on travel distance
You are responsible for install!