Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Changer Dispensing Slowly? Easy Fix


You load the quarters into the changer and it works. Customers put their bills in and they get quarters back. You start to notice that customers are standing at the changer a little linger than they used to. As a matter of security you watch several customers come up and they ALL seem to linger longer than they need to. You hear the coins coming out and the motors of the changer whirring but all the customers linger. Then you realize they are all waiting for the second dump of quarters to come out. It never used to take long. They put in a $10 or $20 and got their money really quick. Not now. What is going on?
Here is the reason and the solution in the video below:

A Heck of A Nice Guy

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Cleaning Rowe Style Changer


Have you ever loaded quarters into your changer and then the Out of Service Light comes on and you KNOW there are still quarters in the coin hoppers? It's probably because you haven't cleaned your Rowe style changer in a long time. Here is how to do it.
A Heck of A Nice Guy

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Fixing Your Changer Didn't Give Me My Money Errors


You haven't been a real laundry owner until you are in the middle of some family or fun event when your phone rings because of problem at the laundry room or laundromat. 
An error you might get early in your tenure or when you switch brands of change machines goes something like:
"I put a $20 in your changer and only got $10 back in quarters! I need my money..."
$10 is a major loss that needs to be corrected as fast as possible. What happened?
How do you solve it? The explanation and solution are in the video link above and hopefully you won't get that call again because of human error.
A Heck of A Nice Guy


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

How to Load Quarters in Rowe Style Changers

Loading quarters is usually a no brainer activity in a business that has a coin changer.
You open up the changers and load the quarters into the coin hoppers.
Have you ever done that and walked away and someone later says they put money into your changers and didn't get the right amount back? Some brands of changers have an extra step that you have to do.
This video talks about Rowe style changers. Rowe was bought by American Changers some years ago and does not make Rowe changers or parts anymore, but there are still thousands of Rowe changers out there. If you have one here is a good tip for you and I'm amazed how many owners don't know this trick. It's about a six minute video. Enjoy.
A Heck of A Nice Guy