I’ve seen a lot of goofy things in my time running laundromats.
My guess is that you have too.
While it probably isn’t completely wise to back up old stereotypes of laundromat customers with these goofy tales, they are things that future laundromat owners need to know they might encounter, because I bet a six pack of ice cream cones that all these people out there that give advice on how to buy, set up, and run a laundromat don’t ever mention these goofy things. For the sake of anonymity for the locations I’m not going to name where these incidents took place, however they are all situations I saw first hand. So with that build up here is my list of the three most disgusting things I have seen in laundromats:
Honorable Mention:
High school age kids had vandalized the laundromat of this location.
They rolled their blunts in the bathroom and broke the toilet.
The bathroom was closed for repairs. I came into the laundromat to do some repairs and collections. I noticed the laundromat smelled like poo.
I looked around the washers and in the drain troughs and those seemed fine. I looked in the garbage can in the corner and there it was. Right on top of an empty box of laundry detergent, a bunch of poo logs. It was mushy slimy poo too, not the logs. Stunk up the whole place.
I was able to get the video feed from the owner.
An older lady stood up from the bench and said, and I heard her say it on camera; she had "to go #2 and go immediately and couldn’t make it to her car to go somewhere else to use the bathroom.” She grabbed a garbage can that had no cover on it, dragged it to a spot between two rows of washers that weren’t being used and anyone looking in the window couldn’t see behind, dropped trousers and dumped right into the can on top of the garbage!
I give her credit that she did that rather than poo on the floor or something worse.
Guess who had to change the garbage bag?

3. This takes place at the same laundromat as the honorable mention story.
As I stated above the bathroom had been closed due to vandalism. Before it was closed I caught several punks that were doing it. One was arrested. I thought the problem was over as for a few weeks nothing happened in the bathroom. One day I had to repair a washer at that laundromat. I used the bathroom and it was clean. I crawled into the drain trough to do my repairs. I was the only one in the laundromat when I heard the front door open and someone walk in and go to the bathroom and close the door. Various people like the mail carrier and bus drivers always used the bathroom at this time of the morning so I was curious because of the previous bathroom trouble but not too concerned. The bathroom door opened and I stuck my head out of the bulkhead to see who it was. It was the kid who was arrested. He looked at me laughing and held up his hands. They were wet and full of brown gunk. He walked out of the store, slapping one hand against a fiberglass sitting bench as he did so. I got out of the bulkhead and saw the brown splash from his hand on the bench. I immediately went to the bathroom. The little punk had wiped his own poo all over the bathroom walls and didn’t wash his hands afterwards. The toilet was full of diarrhea and no toilet paper or paper towels.
Poo all over the inside of the door, walls, and all around and on the toilet. Guess who had to clean that up and how many pairs of rubber gloves were needed?

2. Some regular customers to a store had told me there was a pervert coming to this location on some particular mornings. He was dropping trou and pleasuring himself in front of and while looking at them. I told them to call the cops next time they saw him. I changed my visiting time to this store to match the times that the ladies were there in the hopes that I could call the cops and keep the ladies safe. For several weeks nothing happened. I figured I would go one more time on the new day.
The ladies were there…and so were the cops!
The ladies had called and the cops got there on time and arrested the perv. Literally caught him with his pants down! The ladies were laughing at him (they were okay and even enjoying the fact they were the ones that caught him).
Turns out the perv was a known sex offender. The police were taking statements and collecting finger prints, which I thought was weird. I asked the cop if they were collecting finger prints because he touch something the ladies had. He said yes that the perv touched the bench the ladies sat on and they needed to establish that it was him at the laundromat at the time of this incident. The perv had “left evidence” in spots and I asked the officer in charge why if they needed evidence they weren’t taking obvious bio samples that clearly showed evidence of the crime and obviously belonged to him because there was no doubt it was his DNA.
The officer said “I don’t mess with that.” Guess who had to clean it up with a mop and a lot of bleach?

1. As bad as both of the previous examples are,
I still think this is my most disgusting.
I had to fix a toilet seat in a bathroom. Before doing that I always bleach the toilet and floor around so I can at least pretend I have a more sanitary place to work.
Next to the toilet was a bathroom sink in a vanity. The vanity had a large cabinet with a door and three small drawers next to the big door.
The drawers and door were all screwed shut by me years before because I would go in and find old blunts, dirty toilet paper, and other junk inside of them.
Since I had screwed them shut I never gave them a second thought. On this day since my head was next to the vanity and I was in the bathroom for longer than a few seconds I noticed a consistent strange odor that you didn’t really notice when standing up at the sink.
I put my nose next to the large door of the vanity, and after taking a deep inhale I was sure it was coming from there.
I thinking a mouse must have died inside the cabinet or some other such thing.
I got my drill and took out the screws and opened the door…and nearly puked.
I got an old broom from the cleaning closet and reached inside the vanity and swept out... 56 used tampons and soiled panty liners!
Most of the tampons had congealed into a massive sticky mound that was stuck to the floor of the vanity. Some of the color on the items were bright as if they were new while others had darker colors indicating they were older. I had to knock the pile loose with the broom and it took three trips to the garbage cans outside in the laundromat with the dust pan to get them all cleaned up. You don’t have to guess who cleaned these up.
To this day I don’t know how they got in there. The screws on the cabinet didn’t look like they were messed with. When I pulled them out with the drill they were still tight inside the wood.
I can’t imagine several different ladies, or even the same lady, using the vanity as a disposal for a time long enough that so many items were left in the vanity. If someone collected them and left them all at once that is hard to imagine too.
After that incident every few months I would open up the cabinet but there was never anything in there after that.

In the laundry business you run into all kinds of good people…and goofy ones.
Can you top these disgusting stories?
A Heck of A Nice Guy
To this day I don’t know how they got in there. The screws on the cabinet didn’t look like they were messed with. When I pulled them out with the drill they were still tight inside the wood.
I can’t imagine several different ladies, or even the same lady, using the vanity as a disposal for a time long enough that so many items were left in the vanity. If someone collected them and left them all at once that is hard to imagine too.
After that incident every few months I would open up the cabinet but there was never anything in there after that.

In the laundry business you run into all kinds of good people…and goofy ones.
Can you top these disgusting stories?
A Heck of A Nice Guy
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