Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Everet's March 2022 Laundry Newsletter

 Everet's March 2022 Laundry Newsletter

I have had a lot of laundry owners ask me questions about dryers recently. Below are links to four articles I wrote. Click on the link to read an article. If you have any questions please let me know.

Thanks for reading!

A Heck of A Nice Guy

How cleaning dryers can MAKE you money!
Having trouble with dryers not heating?
Here is tip #1 to fix the problem
Front dryer panel treasure find
Difference between Axial and Radial airflow in dryers

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Resetting MFR Cycle Counter

There are still many Maytag MFR washers in service at laundromats and laundry rooms all across the country. If you are a new laundromat owner or new laundry room attendant here is a tip in case you see a similar message on the screen of your MFR washer. Don't make an appointment for a service call before you try the following tip:

IF you SEE THE ABOVE PICTURE or any similar message here is how you can possibly fix it:

Take the flat ESD key into lock at the top left of the washer.
Turn key to right until it stops.

Press the Quick Wash button until the black arrow is next to "Service"

Press "Delicates & Knits"

The Service Tool Box appears

Press Quick Wash button until arrow gets to "Reset Service Counts"

Press "Whites" button until "Yes" appears next to Reset Service Counts

Press Quick Wash until arrow is in front of "Exit" then press Delicates & Knits

Screen returns to "Main Menu"
When screen looks like the above picture, turn the key back to the left and remove the key.
Price menu should appear.
You are done! 

Thank you!
A Heck of A Nice Guy

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Fixing Maytag MHN30 Common Errors

Maytag MHN30 Front Load Washers:

What to do in case of:
ZERO MINUTES or SUDS on screen and lots of water or soap in machine

1. look on the screen
2. if it says "zero minutes" then machine was unbalanced either by too much clothes or something stuck to the inside of the tub
“Suds” means TOO MUCH SOAP was used
3. both are usually customer error so up to you about refunds
4. open door
5. redistribute clothes inside washer or spread out amongst multiple washers
6. open access panel on top

7. press down  white button twice (don't hold button down) screen flashes random numbers

8.  hold down right button on bottom row of the front panel until entire display flashes

9. press middle button in top row on front panel

10. close door

Door locks washer spins for 5 minutes.
Clothes should be spun out.
Explain clothes did get washed just too much soap or unbalanced load to spin out
11. spin clothes again if needed
12. look in soap drawer and scrape out all leftover soap

Maytag Washer MHN30 OUT OF ORDER,
 F29, F22, F28 or other "F numbers"

1. look on the screen 
2. have customer switch washers if beginning to wash or spin out if ending
3. open door (there may or may not be water inside)
4. open access panel on top


 5. press down  white button twice (don't hold button down) screen flashes random numbers

6.  hold down right button on bottom row of the front panel until entire display flashes

7. press center button in bottom row on front panel.
Door locks and washer does 10 minute test cycle

 8. If “F Number” returns after test period then there is an issue. Check service manual for codes and how to fix it.

A Heck of A Nice Guy

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Fix for Broken Toilet Tank Lid

Have you ever checked on your laundromat restroom and seen something like this?

Frustrating isn’t it?

You might wonder why toilet tank lids are being broken in the first place and why you as a laundromat owner should even care about this issue.

“I found my toilet tank lid broken three times in a year,” said owner Mike F.
“I wondered what was happening to it.

As it turns out it was a mixture of kids horsing around and standing on the toilet and being stupid. Some other people were using the tank to hide drugs for someone to pick up. Other people were having sex in the bathroom and somehow using the toilet when the lid broke. I got sick of it always being broken. I left the lid off for awhile.”

How many have just left the lid off?

How many of you replaced the whole toilet for lack of finding a correct size or model tank lid?
Maybe you tried the generic square tank lids that are sold at some hardware stores.
Whatever you have tried in the past, there are some owners that have come up with a simple, common sense solution:
Use a “L” bracket from a shelf and bolt it to the wall above the tank.
The bottom half of the bracket is against the top of the tank and holds it in place like the picture below:

Having the bracket alone might give someone pause at first before attempting to move the lid, however if they figure out all they have to do is pick the lid up and bend it backwards toward the wall you will have another broken lid on the floor.
The addition of the bar rail going across the top like one owner did, helps negate that because you can’t bend the bracket back as far to lift the tank lid off. It also looks more sturdy visually and that will scare off a few more would be vandals.

“There is one additional thing I do to help secure the lid,” said owner T.S. who owns multiple stores.
“I add some of the corner lid rubber bumpers from topload washers to the bracket in between the tank and the bracket. That helps keep the tank from sliding and secures it. It also helps keep the noise down if the tank moves because the lid doesn’t scrape the metal bracket.”

Mike F. used a similar method.
“I found a lid from a discarded toilet in an alley that looked like it would fit and it did. This time I secured the top of the tank with a four inch wide L shaped shelf bracket with some rubber insulation from a section of pipe insulation under it. So far no one has messed with it.”

As an owner you may have never had to deal with this issue. If you ever do have to deal with it, here is a possible solution thanks to these two owners.

 Thanks…or should I say “tanks” for reading.

A Heck of A Nice Guy