Friday, October 2, 2009

Welcome to the new version of Everet's newsletter!

It's back!
For several years I've been sending a monthly email newsletter to my various clients and prospects of and
I had to discontinue the email version of this newsletter, however I've been able to resurrect it as a blog.

In this blog you'll find tips on how to make your recruitment advertising more effective, general observations on the recruitment industry, sales, and the famous jokes that everyone reminds me they are missing (they're always clean enough to tell your mother!).

The goal of this blog is not to be the guru on new technology, provide you with the most cutting edge news, or to make myself world renowned. There are others who are experts at doing that.
This is more of a perspective from someone in the trenches of recruitment and sales each day.

There are four main goals that I will accomplish with this blog:

The first point of this blog is to offer practical advice to recruiters, managers, and job seekers who might not be (or have no need to be) up on the latest and greatest gizmos, social networks, and websites. How can they make what they are using better to attract better candidates for their jobs.

The second goal is to serve as a sounding board to those who who have mastered the new technology as part of their recruitment campaigns, about how the latest and greatest is playing when it comes to the practical world. In cyberspace it is really easy to get hooked on one new idea and then zoom onto the next and forget that most people are still three stages behind whatever the latest and greatest is. To use a Tour de France comparisson, I consider myself one of those riders in the peloton. I might be in the forward half of the peloton, however I'm definately not wearing the yellow leader jersey.

The third goal is to help stay in touch with you!

The fourth goal is to do the above three with a touch of humor (have I mentioned the jokes?).

I'll start with some new material and mix in a few reposts of older newsletters (with relevant content) so new readers can get an idea of what these posts are going to be all about. Then I'll follow up with something new roughly once per month.

I'm always happy to accept comments and jokes.
Thanks for inviting me in! Enjoy!

A Heck of A Nice Guy

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