Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Becoming An Expert Wins You Clients

I was having a conversation with a web developer the other day. He was trying to get more businesses to buy a SEO (search engine optimization) package his company was offering clients. I asked him what he was doing to get clients and he said that he wasn't blogging too much and when he did he wasn't advertising them via his LinkedIn network or email campaign. After asking him many questions about what he was trying to accomplish and why wasn't he blogging he realized that he needed to practice what he was preaching in a more visible way. He's been doing a great job promoting his blogs and since has started being seen by those outside of his immediate circles as an expert in his field.
Just like the web developer, you want to be recognized as an expert in your field, a specialist with trustworthy credentials that establishes your credibility. I wrote an article about why salespeople need to start a blog
but the truth is anyone who wants to be seen as an expert in their field should be published somewhere easily accessible by their clients. You've spent a great part of your career learning about everything there is about your industry. How do you demonstrate that? By having your prospects and clients find out about you before you step foot into their office to sell them. Let them know from reading your blogs, seeing your videos, and reading your published articles and books that you know what you are talking about. That makes you an expert in the field in their eyes and you avoid the question..."why should I buy from you, what do you know about my industry?"

By the way, the web developer above approached me a few weeks later and thanked me for helping him get going. That meant a huge deal to me and made my day.

 Thanks for reading!
A Heck of A Nice Guy

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