Monday, April 16, 2012

Take Responsibility: Look in the Mirror

Looking in the mirror at yourself is a hard thing to do sometimes. Bert didn't want to at first. Ernie had to force him to. Then Bert kept moving and trying to get away and Ernie kept telling him to wait. Bert even began to enjoy it a little bit. It was only after Bert steps away that he sees the whole picture and appreciates it.

We salespeople are the same way. We don't always want to look in a mirror, but sometimes other people or circumstances force us to. Usually it happens when we're on a streak of no closes.
There are lots of reasons salespeople and recruiters make for not getting a sale.The economy, owner is dumb, not enough good candidates, and a host of other excuses have been made by recruiters why a sale wasn't made.
Sometimes we look in the mirror and see one thing we are doing wrong and want to stop looking in the mirror at that point, much like Bert wants to keep stepping away from the drawing.
We fall into a circular trap.

Good salespeople and recruiters never use an excuse for their failures or their successes.

Good salespeople are responsible for their own actions. They take ownership in whatever the outcome is from their sales calls. They are able to look in the mirror and say to themselves that they screwed up here or did something well there and plan for how to do better or build on success for the next call. If they can't see what they are doing wrong or write they ask someone else to take a look with them for a different perspective.

Good sales people know that their successes are a result of good preparation and prospecting. Experience trying new things in the field and are ready to answer objections about their products or competition.
So when you look in the mirror, remember to look at the whole picture and see the good and  the bad. Then work to correct what needs to be corrected and strengthen the strengths.
"A Heck of A Nice Guy"

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