Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Speech Pace Helps You Recruit or Sell Someone!

Did you understand any of the clip above. My guess is no, or at least very little.
If you replay it over and over you'll eventually get the idea of what to listen for and you can figure it out.
In a selling situation how you say something is more important than what you say on many occasions.
When asking questions or giving answers watch your pace. Too fast and the client has to ask you to repeat the question or answer taking time away from the discovery or closing phase. Sometimes the client will not be sure exactly what you said, and they will not pay attention to the rest of the question or answer because they will be preoccupied wondering if they heard you right the first time. Either case is annoying to them. They might think you are rushing them (remember everyone loves to buy but hates to be sold), are obnoxious, egotistic, or just plain rude.

If you speak too slowly the client might think you are making fun of them, are obnoxious, egotistic, or just plain rude. Plus they'll be saying in their head "hurry up and say what you want to say!"
These situations are bad enough in person, however they become really annoying on the phone!

How do you become aware of your pace without being obvious in these situations? Practice! Practice! Practice! Do role play sessions with other team members, or better yet someone you don't work with often how can give you a more objective opinion of your pace. Call a trusted client who you know is willing to help you and give you good feedback. Ask them candid questions about your speech. The trick here is to demonstrate you took their advice the next time you talk with them as they remember what you asked and will look for it. Deliberately try varying your pace in the course of daily conversations with those around you. Don't be obnoxious about it or tell them why you are speeding up or slowing down your pace, but learn to recognize when you are being too fast or slow so you can correct it immediately.

A nice deliberate pace with your voice implies calmness, confidence, knowledge, trust, authority.
It also leads to more sales.

A Heck of A Nice Guy

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