Wednesday, July 15, 2015

That's What Networks and Friends Are For: Part. 1

I was once fired from a job.
It was a surprise and wasn't because of anything I had done. The company had hired someone they originally wanted for my role, but wasn't available at the time, so they hired me and then replaced me with the original person. It happens in the corporate world. No sense crying about it. Get up and move on to the next opportunity. Since I never saw this coming and was completely blindsided, I wasn't actively searching for a job through my network.

That was when people in my network came to my aid and was a big lift to my spirits.
One of these friends asked me to help market his SEO business. He provided me with a place to work, a laptop to use, database software, and listened and tried my advice for selling his services to new clients and marketing his business to other networks. He even treated me to several lunches.
Another individual also treated me to lunches and valued my marketing advice for his graphic design business. He also designed the logo for my wife's new business
(Kolibri Yoga, Kirtan & Meditation)

The third person provided the inspiration to look at other opportunities I hadn't considered before when he reminded me to be open to trying other paths for my career, just as he did when he left the recruitment world and opened his own golf trip business. He also treated me to lunch.

These three gentlemen helped me by giving me a place to continue to use my sales and marketing skills. Provided me with a place to go to where I could focus on things other than my job search.They gave me a boost in confidence and helped me get back on track with my career. All thanked me for my advice and showed they were not just members of my professional network but friends as well. Plus they took me to several good lunches.

So if you have a small business of less than 50 people and don't have to time to build a website and make it visible to your clients and prospects, contact John at Devin Group and he can help you make more profit from your website.
The Devin Group

If you need a great logo or need to build a brand identity, call Todd at Design Engine.
The Design Engine 

Do you like to golf or travel? Combine both and book a vacation using Brian's website:
Golf Wisconsin

There are lots of other people who helped me and I will thank five more of them next time.
Thanks for everything!

A Heck of A Nice Guy

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