Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Laundry Room Rule #2: Keep It Well Lit

Whether you have a laundry room for tenants or for your business, the four rules for making that laundry room a success are:

1.       Keep it clean

2.       Keep the room well lit

3.       Keep the room safe

4.       Keep the machines working

Recently I was tasked to do some maintenance on the washer and dryer at this location.
If you watch the video below, what rule above did the landlords break?

If you guessed rule #2 you are correct!
Unfortunately the flashlight on my cell phone was broken.
I was required to complete the service call, so in order for me to see, I turned on the camera flash and took pictures. I kept one eye closed to not ruin my night vision.
The camera flashed and I would walk to a spot that I saw in the flash.
I would then take another picture and advance towards the machines again until I got to them.
By the time I got to the machines I saw the light switch on a pull string. I pulled it but the light didn't work!
Fortunately the only task I was required to do for these machines was put a new sticker on them to let people know the new phone number to call if the machines needed repair.
I turned around and left.
The pictures below are the ones that I took using the flash to see.
There was no light in the stairway. This is the wall going downstairs:

The bottom of the steps without flash:

Bottom of the steps with flash:

Here is the corner of the door where the machines are:

This is the laundry room without lights:

Me approaching the washer:

Now you might be asking why I still went downstairs with no lights and once I was downstairs and had no light why I still tried to do my job. I do admit it was something out of a horror movie where the one actor knows they shouldn't do something, but they do it anyways and get killed by the bad guy.
It did cross my mind and I wondered what or who else I might find down there. The sense of adventure got me. 

It all comes out in...the WASHTub!
A Heck of  A Nice Guy

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