Articles for Laundromat Owners, Laundry Room Managers, HR Professionals, Recruiters, Sales People, Job Seekers. Sounds like an odd mix of subjects right? Ev has had solid careers in all these areas. His brand is "A Heck of A Nice Guy," so he wants to pass on knowledge to others. Published with a touch of humor from someone in the trenches.
One of the latest features on commercial dryers is reversing drums.
It has been around for quite a bit as an add on option, but now it is standard as the benefits of customers having clothes dried faster and sheets and blankets not getting all rolled up into one ball that is wet in the middle has been a convenience and time saver for customers.
The reversing feature also gets more people though the dryer line faster for an owner and can save money in utilities. Having said the benefits, there are two potential problems that some owners are suspicious of.
1. it freaks out customers when they first see it
2. customers think they are losing time because the drum isn't spinning
3. is it causing more wear and tear on the motor
The video below shows how you can turn off the reversing feature.
Follow the same steps to turn the reversing back on, because once people are used to it they like it and see how much better their clothes dry. As of this writing I haven't heard of any loss of life in the motors.
I'll admit there might be data out there or it might be too early in the reversing feature life to have definitive answers to the wear and tear on the motor question. I don't believe it will be anything significant if it does have an adverse affect on the life of the motor.
A Heck of A Nice Guy
Recently some owners have gotten a D17 error on their Maytag MLG stack dryers. This error is a little unusual. A D18 error means there is an error in the top pocket. A D2 error means there is an error in the lower pocket. D17 isn't in the troubleshooting manual. What does D17 mean?
According to Maytag technical support here is what D17 means:
Maytag Multi-Load Dryer
Software Update
Models Affected:
Serial Numbers: MC91504230 - MCX3706135
Possible Concerns:
1. Control board may prematurely sense no heat causing heat circuit lockout.
2. Debit port is not active for customer to connect to a Gen 1 Card or Central
Pay system.
3. Users must press the keypad multiple times to add the full value of escrow.
Potential Causes:
1. Ignition failure or failure to sense heat rise will result in a d1 error for the
lower pocket or a d17 error for the upper pocket. If the burner, ignition circuit,
and thermistor are operating properly, this error can be falsely reported if a
cold damp load is put into a dryer that is already warm from a previous
cycle. The software update will prevent a false error by increasing the
allowable time for the thermistor to recognize heat rise.
2. Dryers manufactured between April 8, 2019 and September 7, 2020 were
only available with Coin Vend or No Vend “Free Play”, the Gen 1 Debit port
was inactive for connection to Card or Central Pay vending.
3. Dryers manufactured between April 8, 2019 and September 7, 2020 will only
add dryer time in increments of the Value of Coin 1. (Factory Default setting
is 25¢) If users add escrow above the Value of Coin 1 setting, the user will
be required to press the cycle keypad for each increment to add dryer time
up to maximum allowable time.
A software update has been implemented into the production and service parts
control boards to improve performance, reduce nuisance error codes, and enhance
payment and escrow functionality.
1. d1 and d17 Diagnostic Codes - Improved performance for Upper and Lower
Dryer heat sense error to eliminate nuisance or false error reporting.
2. Debit/Card Payment - The Gen 1 Debit port communication is now active for
card or central pay vending.
3. Escrow behavior - Single keypad press will apply all escrowed vend to
selected upper or lower dryer pocket. Free Vend cycles will still add time in
increments with each keypad press. The functionality of Fixed Cycle and Top
Off will still apply.
If you are receiving this error please contact the service department of your distributor to get the software update.
A Heck of A Nice Guy
A quick quiz for all laundry room operators, owners, workers.
You will probably get the right answers, however to see WHY you might want to click on the link under the picture to get my reasoning. Good luck!
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A Heck of A Nice Guy