Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What Is Wrong With People!

This column is just a good old fashioned rant and rave to clear some things off my chest.
Whether you're in sales, HR, or recruiting the one constant is dealing with people.
People from all different backgrounds, ages, experiences, locations, with a variety as infinite as the stars in the sky.

The problem is people are not computers and do not always follow a programmed response.
That can be frustrating, however it does make life interesting. Sometimes in the HR and Recruiting worlds people's behavior is so baffling it makes you want to scream!
If you've ever been as infuriated with someone as Captain Kirk was with Kahn, you know what I mean.
You might recognize some similar situations such as:

1. The job candidate that sat down at my colleagues desk and two roaches crawled out from under his coat and he didn't think anything of it

2. The job candidate that stood at my desk and emptied his pockets looking for a pen and a roach fell out of his pocket and onto my desk

3. The woman that NEVER used toilet paper. There was a wide brown streak down the middle of her chair. I know it because I saw it.

4. All the job candidates that failed drug tests an claimed it was because they took a pain pill. these include:
a. the candidate that said he had a headache and took his mom's percocet
b. the candidate that said he was in an accident needed perks but never could get a prescription so had to buy them illegally
Give me a break! 

5. The candidate that said he was "spiritually dead" but listed that as a strength because the company could help "build him up again"

6. The woman who said she was too busy to return an employer's call because she was having too much fun doing jigsaw puzzles

7. The man who said he didn't return an employer's call when he was offered a job because he was too busy baking bread

8. The inexperienced IT graduate who got hired to a $40,000 plus job even though he had no experience. He passed the drug test, but the results were lost by the lab. The company called to have him take it again and he never returned the employer's call, my call, or anyone else's call.

9. The candidate that took a year to find a job in their field. Two nights before the drug test decided to smoke a joint. Fortunately the employer delayed all drug tests for two weeks because of a snafu on their end.

10. The candidate who had a job from an employer, but lost it because while waiting to hear back from the employer, He called the employer everyday at least once to find out "what his status was" and the company got tired of his calls.

11. The candidate that didn't shower and stunk so bad that after he left his odor still seeped out of the chair for several HOURS!

12. The older worker who decided instead of looking for a job she applied for social security, then admitted she was looking to go to a college, get a financial aid package, drop out and keep the financial aid money because social security funds can't be garnished by the government to get the financial aid money back.

You know, this feels good. Maybe I'll do some more soon. Thanks for letting me vent.
"A Heck of A Nice Guy"

1 comment:

  1. Exactly...what is wrong with people?
    Funny though


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