Monday, June 25, 2012

Why This Blog

As a Recruiter or HR professional you might have to sell a candidate on your company, or sell candidates to a client, or sell a customer on your services. There are lots of places to find out how to RECRUIT better, but not a lot of places for recruiters to find out how to SELL better.
This site is for you.

My trip into the world of HR and recruiting began in 1995. I had talked to six of my friends who had become HR generalists or recruiters for staffing companies because I realized that none of them were using radio to recruit new workers.

I then moved on to sell job ads on three different job boards. All the while learning from my clients and prospects about HR and recruiting. As a recruiter for the last couple of years I noticed that there are lots of books, courses, online tutorials, and workshops for people to earn the HR certifications they need to continue their careers. What I haven't seen are any sessions on sales training for recruiters and HR professionals who need to bring in new clients or sell candidates to a customer.

As a professional salesman who now recruits, I'm passing along sales tips I've learned and used. I'm not trying to sell you a book or sales coaching. I'm meerly trying to pay back those who have helped me.

Since most sales advice sites are pretty boring, I like to provide you the reader with a touch of humor from someone in the trenches each and every day.
I also understand that not all HR professionals and recruiters have to sell, so you'll also see articles concerning issues of recruitment, HR, HR management, and industry trends, along with the occasional article for job seekers.

New articles are published on Mondays and Wednesdays. If you are a client or prospect there is also an email version that comes out once per month.
If you forget where this site is, do a search for my brand "A Heck of A Nice Guy."

Thanks for reading and your support!

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