Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Can't Focus on Your Pipeline Today? Karate Kid Punching lesson

The Karate Kid:
In the above clip, sorry to ruin it for you if you've never seen it, Mr. Miyagi is teaching Danielson to throw a karate punch.
He tells Danielson to focus all his power in one inch on his fist.

In sales you also need to "focus your power on one inch."
The metaphor I'm using is your pipeline.

I've had recruiters and other salespeople get so rushed in the random events of the work day that they lose focus and can't concentrate on where they are and what they are doing (sorry for the Star Wars reference rather than another Karate Kid quote).
They even say out loud "I don't know what I should be working on!"

It happens to every recruiter and salesperson at some point.
When that happens to us do the following:
1. Stop
Stop walking. Stop talking. Stop pacing. Stop whatever you are doing. Stop your mind.

2. Breathe

After you've stopped. Take 3-5 slow deep breaths to relax yourself.

3. Get out your pipeline

Physically look at your pipeline report in whatever format you have it in

4. To do list

Write a five item to-do list for that day (if you don't already have one) for just that pipeline

5. Select
Pick the easiest thing on that to-do-list and do it. Don't do anything except that task!

6. Cross it off
Finish the easiest task that you just started. Cross it off the list.
You just accomplished something!

7. Harder task
Select the next hardest task and accomplish it and cross it off the list.

8. Last

Leave the hardest task for last. By the time you get to it you have completed four of the five tasks on your list and you have momentum.

9. New list

Make a new five item list for the next day.

I'd like to try to figure out some easy acronym to remember for:

I can't do that now because I have to concentrate on my list and coming up with a snappy acronym for the above isn't on it.
Maybe add it to your list and let me know what you come up with.

A Heck of A Nice Guy

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