Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Grover Sales Lesson #3102 Your Client May Not Want Your Solution

Furry, lovable Grover. Who wouldn't want to buy something from him?

You might be the same fury and lovable salesperson, but does it mean that your client will automatically buy something from you, or that you should even sell them something in the first place. 
Even if you have a solution for their problem, that doesn't mean they will buy from you or that it is the right solution for them in the first place.

In my opinion it is a better thing to walk away from a potential sale that isn't exactly right for your client. Don't risk losing their business in the future when your solution is the best and they need it and want it. Better to wait for the sale than to cram, bend, and twist them into a solution that might work in the short term but doesn't ultimately solve the problem.
Have you ever bought something then later regretted it because it wasn't the right long term solution? Yes. You get exactly what I mean.

If you are a recruiter and don't really have the people your client needs, don't send them someone who has no chance of being hired. It wastes your clients time and makes you look foolish for ignoring what your client clearly told you they wanted.

Thanks Grover for the lesson. Who knew I was getting good sales advice when I was three!
"A Heck of A Nice Guy"


  1. I forgot how totally funny Grover was! I love his line that he was not there to sell something, but to give something. And then he has to sell the other products to go with it! Great upsell!! Too funny.

  2. I agree. Grover is still one of my favorites!


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