Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Your Client Gives Buying Clues

As a buyer we often give clues or "buying signs" when we want something.
We say things like we like the color or the price of something.  
Are you smart enough as a salesperson to pick up those clues and give your client what they want or do you always spin it?
We as salespeople are often told that the client doesn't always want or know what they really need, and it is our job to get them to want AND need what we are selling so they buy it.
We're told that by proper questioning and prospecting our solution will ALWAYS fit the client's needs and wants.

Anyone with any significant amount of sales experience should realize that often times the client does know what they want. They've already done their research and shopped your competitors and are giving you all the clues (a.k.a. buying signs) to walk out with a nice sale.
You don't need to brow beat them into buying more things they don't want or need or a solution that is different than what they want.

In the video above, Kermit (like a client) keeps giving clues to Cookie Monster what is in the box.
Cookie Monster (like some salespeople) keeps insisting it is a cookie.
Much like a salesperson insists their solution is great for a client when a client insists it isn't. The salesperson browbeats the client with their solutions that aren't right until sometimes the client gives up and buys what they are selling even though it isn't right. Just like Kermit giving a cookie to Cookie Monster, it is the client's way of politely getting rid of you-forever (they definitely won't buy from you or likely your company again and the thinking is a short term monetary loss is worth the freedom from your hassle).

Often times, like Cookie Monster, the salesperson says "That is it? I want more sales!" The client responds with "That was all I had," and the salesperson walks away like Cookie Monster does. Do you think Kermit will ever play this game with Cookie Monster again? Will your client ever buy from you again if you treat them like this?
Not listening to buying signs and clues can lead to a lost sale, a lost client, and lost future sales.
Don't take this advice and see if I'm right.
A Heck of A Nice Guy


  1. Love the example video - it is true that the most successful salespeople are the one's who take the time to listen, then probe using the information that was just heard. By using the client's own information they are not only more likely to start agreeing with you, but you will be more likely NOT to leave anything on the table by finding and providing for ALL their needs rather than just the ones tat inspired the initial conversation.

  2. Very true. Thank you for the comment!


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