Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Good, Bad, & Ugly Customer Notes

More actual notes left by actual customers at actual laundromats.
Thanks for sharing everyone!
A Heck of A Nice Guy 

We all need notes like this to remind us why we are here in the first place:

I've never done any kind of drug so I'll let someone else verify this message on a bathroom wall.
See my other article about graffiti (graffiti-get-rid-of-it) and why to get rid of it right away:

Does Goodwill have a competitor store?

Depending on where you are, you might wish you could close the bathroom permanently:

Some people might say this in their heads!

Remember personal ads in the newspaper? This was hanging on a wall. All of the little tear offs were gone so I hope they had luck finding each other!

Good advice!

Does USPS deliver refunds there?

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