Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Strange & Intersting Presidential Facts

 My friend Chris Spehert is publishing interesting facts about presidents on Facebook.
In the spirit of todays election he said I could repost them here. He didn't get through all the presidents. They're just for fun so enjoy.

In honor of Tuesday's election... I am going to offer one strange/interesting fact about each US President.
1) George Washington - His salary in 2012 dollars was $1,000,000 and he spent nearly 7% of that on alcohol!
2) John Adams - His wife, Abigail, routinely hung wet laundry up to dry in the East Room of the White House.
3) Thomas Jefferson - Jefferson soaked his feet in freezing water every morning. He believed it led to good health.
4) James Madison - Madison was the shortest president at 5' 4".
5) James Monroe - Monroe was wounded in the shoulder during the Battle of Trenton during the Revolutionary War.
6) John Quincy Adams - John Quincy enjoyed nude swimming in the Potomac River. He also enjoyed swimming fully clothed as the extra weight of his soaked clothing made his exorcise more vigorous!
7) Andrew Jackson - Jackson is said to have fought over 100 duels in his lifetime. An 1806 duel left a bullet in his chest and his opponent dead.
8) Martin Van Buren - During the Financial ...
Panic of 1837, Van Buren soothed his chronic heartburn by drinking a concoction of soot and charcoal mixed with water. Yum!
9) William Henry Harrison - Harrison was the last president born a British subject. He also served the shortest term: one month.
10) John Tyler - Tyler had more children than any other president: 15. Tyler was born when Washington was president. His last surviving child died while Harry Truman was in office!
11) James Polk - Besides have one killer mullet, Polk was a workaholic who never took vacations. In fact, he so completely wore himself out that he was dead 3-months after leaving office!
12) Zachary Taylor - Taylor was the last president to ...
own slaves. He also chewed tobacco and was fond of simply spitting onto the White House carpets!
13) Millard Fillmore - Queen Victoria once commented that Fillmore was the most handsome man she'd ever met. Several years after leaving office he made another attempt to run for president as the candidate of the infamous "Know-Nothing" Party.
14) Franklin Pierce - Pierce was a drunk. He became so disliked that his own party adopted the slogan "Anyone But Pierce" in time for the next election. He eventually drank himself to death.
15) James Buchanan - Buchanan was the only president who was never married. He was also a drinker and would stop at a neighboring distillery after church each Sunday to but a ten-gallon jug of whiskey!
 16) Abraham Lincoln - While practicing law in Illinois, Lincoln once rented a horse from a local stable to take a case out of town. Upon his return several days later, he asked the owner if he kept this particular horse for funerals. "Certainly not," said the owner. "That's good," replied Lincoln, "because the corpse wouldn't get there in time for the resurrection."
17) Andrew Johnson - Johnson is the only tailor to become president. As governor of Tennessee, he once made a suit for the governor of Kentucky - who, as a blacksmith, returned the favor by giving Johnson a shovel and tongs!
18) Ulysses Grant - Grant smoked an insane amount of cigars. In fact, he would generally smoke from the time he woke up until he went to bed. After winning an important bat...
tle during the Civil War, citizens in the North rewarded him by sending 10,000 boxes of cigars. Grant would eventually die of throat cancer.
19) Rutherford B. Hayes - Hayes banished alcohol from the White House and spent every night singing hymns with his family. Hayes served in the Civil War...working his way up all the way to major general. He fought in many battles and was wounded on several occasions.
20) James Garfield - Garfield was the first left-handed president, the last to be born in a log cabin and the second to be assassinated.
21) Chester Arthur - Arthur was long rumored to have been born over the border in Canada. He was also quite the dandy and owner over 80 pairs of pants. He also set about redecorating the White House... and in the process essentially gave away wagon loads of priceless artifacts.

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