An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published says that only 19% of the students in Milwaukee Public Schools read at a proficient level.
That means 81% of students in MPS don't read at or above their grade level!
Why isn't there more outrage about this?!
Over three-fourths of students in MPS can barely read!
Even if 100% of those 81% graduate high school, just using common sense that learning gets harder as you get older because of life's twists and turns, I'll bet 75% of the 81% will still not be able to read at an acceptable adult level.
I don't normally rant about things not sales related in this blog, but an educated workforce is vital to a strong economy. Baby boomers are starting to retire and there isn't enough members of the next two generations to fill all the empty jobs. There is a talent shortage in all areas (and those areas that haven't been hit yet will be soon). The talent shortage will be even worse if the workforce doesn't have the basic skills to get by in life much less hold down a job in this digital world.
This article puts everything into perspective.
Most people who will be in the job market in the next 10 years won't be able to read in order to get jobs to work their way up the ladder of success into careers where they can make good money.
School is hard work. Learning takes effort. Parents have to make their kids read to them and parents read to the kids. Parents have to ask to see the math homework. No matter how busy the schedule or the quality of the school, all parents can find 20-30 minutes to do these tasks. The laundry and dishes can wait until the kid is in bed. Sorry if you don't get to watch the latest episode of Downton Abbey or CSI. You're a parent, and teaching your child or reinforcing what they have learned is your job.
A recruiter for the US Army that I worked with on several projects told me repeatedly in 2006-2010 that the army had not actively recruited in MPS high schools for roughly ten years because those graduates didn't have the basic reading and math skills to operate modern military equipment.
So much for "three hots and a cot" as a safety net for those people who needed some sort of job or career.
I can see why the army doesn't want MPS graduates because they probably couldn't read the front of a claymore mine to know to "face front towards the enemy."
The work force demands higher skilled workers even to run basic equipment like digital point-of-sale machines (we used to call them cash registers).
Recruiters for any position can't use candidates that don't know how to do math or read.
Reading and math are job skills you need at every job you can think of! There isn't a job or career where you won't need to read something or do a math problem at some point.
Here is a simple idea to fix the problem. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen more quickly than we think.
Parents read to your children 20-30 minutes a day. Do math the same amount of time, or at least check their work when they are done with their homework. That is your part.
Your part is to read to alternate reading to your parents and having them read to you. Then eventually you read to them for the whole 20-30 minutes. Explain to them how you figure out your math problems so they know the logic you are using. Then listen to their advice.
Just do it. No fussing. So what if you miss watching Toy Story or Cars. You can watch them later. When you've learned to read and write you'll understand and enjoy the movies even more because you will understand other dialog and scenes you missed when you couldn't read. Listen to your parents and do what they say. Respect your teachers too and try your best at your work!
It may seem easier to not try and live on a government handout, but it will cost you more in the end.
I'm not worried about offending anyone with this article.The 81% who can't read will either not be able to read it, understand it, or see the logic of the examples.
They'll relay on someone else telling them what they think it means and taking it for gospel.
Thanks for letting me vent!
A Heck of A Nice Guy
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