Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December 2015 Jokes

What did the baby shark do when it got lost?
It whaled!

Why was the bird wearing a wig?
Because it was a bald eagle!

Where do young fish go every morning?
To their school!

Why do pigs write a lot of letters to each other?
Because they are Pen pals!

Why was the elephant mad at the hotel bellhop?
Because he dropped his trunk!

A policeman saw a woman walking down the street with a hippo.
He said to the woman, "Ma'am you need to take that hippo to the zoo.
The next day the policeman saw the woman again walking the hipppo.
He told her, "Ma'am I thought I told you yesterday to take that hippo to the zoo.?!"
The woman said, "I did take him to the zoo and today we're going to the movies!"

Happy New Year!
A Heck of A Nice Guy

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