Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ev's Recruitment Answers: Why I Write this Blog

This is my 500th blog article.
It is also the 15th anniversary of my monthly client newsletter that started as an email and now morphed into this blog.

I've written before on why I think you should read this blog:
and why I write this blog:
However those of you with good memories have noticed that the name of the blog went from "Ev's Recruitment Answers" back to the original name of "Ev's Sales Answers."

I changed back to the original name because I've always tried to continuously define who I'm writing this for. There are two target audiences.The first is My clients, prospects, and thanks to the digital age- readers and fans who find me through the search engines.
I always try to keep you informed of changes in the industry, ideas that can help your business, and remind you that I'm a resource for you for networking, advice, or resources. Plus I like to voice my opinion on subjects and like to hear yours. The digital age allows all of us to have a voice and I appreciate you reading and listening to mine.

The second reason is that sales is a career I've never shied away from and has been a part of my life since I sold the first fund raiser items for cub scouts in second grade.
Sales has been a part of every job I've had and I've been fortunate to experience and learn things that I want to pass on to you and to my family.

I started selling Kirby Vacuum cleaners in 1991. It was my first professional sales job.
Our daily sales meeting started at 8am and
I averaged 4-5 demonstrations each day. 
It was not uncommon that my day would end at 10 or 11pm.
Every night my dad would wait up for me.
He was a great salesman.
He would ask how my day went and would go though each appointment and my conversations with the clients and he would explain what I did right and wrong. 
It was during these talks that I got to know my Dad and he me. These conversations and early sales experiences taught me many of my core beliefs on selling and customer service.
There isn't a day that goes by in my sales career that I don't think of his advice and lessons.
Many of them I've talked about in this blog, and with you over the years.
I write these blogs not only to help you and others, but to pass along my Dad's lessons to my son. Even if he doesn't go into sales for a career, the lessons from his Dad and the Grandfather he never met will be out in cyberspace for him to read and to get to know us.

Thank you to all of you for everything you have done for me.
Thank you to everyone who have read, or are reading, this blog or my client emails.
A Heck of A Nice Guy

My son unloading food donations for Cub Scouts

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