Two fresh mugs of ale arrived at the table as Solo started again.
"Lets see what we have here so far..."
Billy Skywalker2320 Starry Lane
Sandy, Dune 51000
(000) 867-5309
Career Goal: To eradicate tyranny and treachery from the galaxy by developing and growing a book of business that exceeds company goals and enables me to earn a six figure income based on the revenue and strong results I produce for the Rebel Alliance.
Education:B.S. Degree in Droid Mechanics
Mos Eisley Area Technical College
Minor in Land Speeder Repair
"...good start. I see that you have your education listed next. Why?"
"All the ads I've ever seen ask for a degree. So I put that in first, Skywalker replied."
Solo said: "Put your education at the bottom.
There are some jobs that a degree is really necessary like in engineering or IT, but what an employer REALLY wants to see is your experience. Remember most people don't go to school beyond Tatooine High School.
An employer may be asking for a degree because they want to know if you know the basics of a job. You don't NEED a degree to have a good IT career for example, however it does tell an employer that you can accomplish something and have a basic understanding of the IT field."
Skywalker interrupted.
"My degree isn't really relevant to the job. Should I leave it on my resume?"
"Absolutely," Solo continued. "Having a degree sets you apart from candidates that don't have one. It shows you can stick with something and complete it. In the Terran system, only 24% of people in a country called America have a degree of any kind. (http://www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/c2kbr-24.pdf) As I said some professions in today's society need a specific degree. Having a broadcasting degree doesn't mean you are automatically qualified for an engineering job. However if you have a ton of engineering work experience, can prove to an employer in an interview and on the resume that you know how to do the work, then having a broadcasting degree might not be a handicap. Employers also use a degree requirement to help screen out candidates so they don't have as many resumes to wade through even if a degree isn't needed for the job."
Skywalker got a worried look on his face.
"My degree is only from Mos Eisley Area Technical College. I didn't go to Yavin or Corsucant U or even MEIT (Mos Eisley Institute of Technology for us Earthlings). If I'm up against one of those schools I'm sunk!"
"Calm down my friend," chuckled Solo. "English 101 and Beer Drinking 200 is the same at every school. For the most part an employer doesn't care where a degree is from, as long as you have one from an accredited school. Yes it helps if they heard of the school. It may also help if they went to the SAME school as you. Yes there will be some people who will think that going to Alderan University is better than going to Bespin U, where I went. There will also be an equal number of employers who think that it was a waste of money to go to Alderan to get the same education available at Bespin U. Are you proud of where you went to school?"
"Then never think less of the school or let it obstruct you applying for a job. Experience and good people who will stay in the job are what employers want. If you have good experience it doesn't matter where your degree is from, you will be in the running for the job," said Solo.
"What if education is all I have, " asked Skywalker.
"Let me get back to that," said Solo. "I hate to do this but I have to break the seal..."
"Break open your wallet too and get two more pints on your way back!" Skywalker chortled.
This is a nine part series on how to write a good resume.
Here are links to the other parts:
Pt. 2 Career Objective
Pt. 3 Education
Pt. 4 Length
Pt. 5 What Jobs to Includehttp://everetsblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/constructing-billy-skywalkers.html
Pt. 6 Detailed Bullet Points
Pt. 7 Age
Pt. 8
No Experience
Pt. 9
Final Resume
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