Monday, July 25, 2011

Need to Update Your Personnal Brand?

I've talked about why you need to have a personal brand as a salesperson/recruiter (I interchange these terms frequently because recruiters are a type of salesperson):Personnal Branding Works!
Is it up to date with what you do or who you are?

Michael Jordan has a reputation of always dressing great in public. A reporter once asked Jordan why he always took the time to dress up wherever he went. Jordan replied that there may be a fan looking or whom he will meet who has never seem him in person before and he wanted to make sure that in case they never saw or met him again they always saw him at his best (I'm paraphrasing here). 
Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, phone, business cards, email, smart phones, snail mail.
All of these, and many more, are ways that as a salesperson you can communicate with your customers.
Remember that you are one of many sales people that these customers have to deal with. How do you want to be remembered?

Do you need to update your personal brand? If you don't think your brand follows you, here are two recent examples of how my brand, "A Heck of A Nice Guy," has followed me:

I was teaching a class at a local college. A woman in the front of the room was starring attentively at me the entire lecture (as someone who is famous I'm used to women staring at me. Feel free to laugh at either the famous part or the women staring part-a little self deprecating humor on my part).
I figured she was interested in what I have to say and I took that as a good compliment that I was doing my job. Later on the student told me that she was trying to figure out how she knew me because she recognized not only my name but my voice. Turns out she used to be a listener of the radio station I had been an announcer on almost 15 years earlier and remembered listening to my radio show! 

The second incident was recently a business owner I know was talking to a new client. He mentioned my name and the client immediately said "He's the Heck of A Nice Guy guy. I've heard he's good." When the business owner asked if I knew the client I had to tell him that I had never heard of the client.

The woman's good memory of my voice and the client's compliment were both flattering and proof that in this technology age, your reputation truly proceeds you. Make sure your brand lives up to your reputation, what you do, or what you want to be known for.

Thanks for reading!
"A Heck of A Nice Guy"

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