Saturday, July 30, 2011

July Jokes

The number of readers who clicked oin the jokes last month was waaaaayyy down from the previous years. The jokes were just as clean as always were. Maybe they weren't as punny. So to combat that here are some fantastically punny jokes!

What is a pig's favorite karate move?
A pork chop!

What has thousands of ears and can't hear?
A corn field!

Where did the baseball keep the lemonade?
In the pitcher!

Where does a dog hate to shop?
A flea market!

Why was the car always sleepy?
Because it was tired!

What kind of hats do they wear at the poles?
Ice caps!

Why wasn't the window cool?
Didn't have any shades!

What did Mr. & Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter?

How about those puns!
Thanks for reading!
Feel free to share jokes for the August column.

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