Monday, November 1, 2010

WI Labor: Where is it and Where is it Going?

Remember three years ago when we were all screaming for good employees?
Heck, some companies were just asking for ANY employees.
With the recession that changed and now companies are inundated with lots of good candidates for each open position.
Will it stay that way?

Even with the recession and sluggish growth of the US economy, the numbers suggest that the trend will soon be to employers having a hard time finding good employees.
Demographic data suggests that the baby boomers are now just starting to retire. Many are choosing not to retire completely but to work part-time either at a job out of their field or as a consultant. Generation X is not as big and so there are not as many workers to fill the available jobs. Xers are also more concerned with family time than working overtime like their parents because they saw their parents work for years at a company only to get fired or laid off.
Milenials want more control of their own time. Since they have been "plugged in" to technology they often are available to employers through various technologies so when they are away from work they want to control their own time (as an aside you can incent milenials with time off, not money).

Look at the numbers. As the population changes that has a huge effect on the ability to hire.
Very interesting. Thanks to Betsy Falk, Labor Economist for Southeastern Wisconsin for sharing this information. You can see her presentation below.


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